Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Can You See The Possibilities?

Spring is a time of renewal. We all look forward to Old man Winter finally laying down for his nap until it is time to wake up again. There is the happy anticipation of tulips, daffodils and crocuses peeking through the thawing soil to lift their faces to the sun. The air is getting warmer and we are ready to put those winter coats in the back of the closet again. 

With the thought of Spring comes possibilities. The possibility of planting that garden this year, of making time to take a vacation be it mini or extended, or the possibility that
this is the time that I will make that bold step on to my path and go! When you look forward at this time of awakening, do you still see the possibilities? Do you see where the next bend in the road could lead you if you have the faith and the courage to do what you feel so deeply inside? Or have you allowed “the crowd,” those naysayers, balloon poppers, and can’t do it collectors to put you where you always seem to be…stuck right here, right now.

The things you are passionate about are the things you are meant to pursue! So if you want to refinish furniture in your garage and take it to a craft fair or flea market and sell it just for the sheer joy of loving to do that, then do it! Oh, but wait, your friend tells you it will never work, no one wants to buy this stuff, and besides you aren’t really that good at it anyway. Sssssssss… hear that? It’s the sound of all the air leaking out of your wonderful balloon idea because you now have this voice in your head making you doubt what you are passionate about. So you sit around and over think every little thing your friend said. Maybe no one does want this stuff. Maybe I really am not good enough to actually sell this stuff even if I did get it done. And you know, she’s right, I’m not good with this kind of stuff anyway. So there you are… stuck. Hey wait, there’s your phone. Oh, it’s that friend texting to see if you want to do something.

Every now and then, we really need to assess the people with whom we have surrounded ourselves. Take a hard and honest look at the relationships in your life. Are you the friend who is always there for them, lifting them up and making them feel better, but when you need someone, they are all too busy? Do you give and give and give with no expectation of anything in return, yet when you have a thought, an idea, a passion, it gets trampled to the dirt? Do you collapse on your couch at the end of the day after doing everything for everyone else and for a moment just wish you had time to do something you want to do? It’s reassessment time.

I know, I know, but how can I possibly NOT be there for them, they need me. Yes, they likely do need you to run their lives because they refuse to take responsibility for their own life. But here’s the kicker, YOU are not responsible for their lives! They are grown people. Yes, we all have some degree of dysfunction in our lives that we are still dealing with from our childhoods or past relationships. However, this does not give any of us a pass to become a person who lays all of their stuff on someone else so we don’t have to deal with it. If your friend has a hard time interacting with people, it is not your job as her friend to take over that portion of her life. She needs to take care of it on her own. None of us like to feel that we are enablers, but sometimes through being raised as a people pleaser and being guilted about HAVING to be the caregiver to people who refuse to take care of themselves, there we sit.

So the message this Spring is to look at making some hard decisions. We all need time for ourselves to do the things we enjoy. That does not always mean we have to do them alone. However, it does mean that we need to really look at all the balloon poppers in our lives and examine what their motivation is to keep us stuck. Perhaps they fear being left behind once you take that step and keep moving forward. Perhaps they feel they will be replaced by someone else if you have interests outside of what you share with them. Whatever their issues are, they are not yours to fix. Are you ready to see the possibilities and embrace them? Or are you happy being stuck? The choice really is yours.